The Crossing Town… on the Edge branding campaign
The Crossing Town… on the Edge campaign was a successful grant application under the ‘Blue Mountains Flexible Grant Program’ after the 2013 bush fires in Mt Victoria. The logo and style-guide is now available for local businesses, organisations, schools and more to use on their print media in a way we can unite Mt Victoria.
By concentrating on the historic character of the town and further investigating the adventure tourist market we aim to pull together the different elements of our village that have been separated by the fires in 2013 under one whole banner and create a united identity.
We have created distinct identity that will unite the village post fires and well into the future using an inclusive approach for organisations, businesses and residents exploring the characteristics of Heritage inherited values of spirit and stoic adventure. Available to be used by local organisations such as the Community Assoc., Historical Society, Public and private schools, Business Group, Businesses, Accommodation Operators, Hospitality Operators, Service and Associated Businesses.
If you would like to use the logo on your website or print media, please contact us for more information. Furthermore, local businesses and organisations are encouraged to list their website and contact information here on this site.