Coo-ee March Reenactment 2015

Cooee March 100 year anniversary reenactment

Mount Victoria.
New Victoria Pass was negotiated on Thursday, and the grade tried the transport horses severely. The men appreciated the scenery, but were glad when Mt. Victoria was reached, as it was a dry stage, and the day was warm as it ever could be in the mountains. About a mile out of town the column was met by the Rev. P. J. Hefferman and a party of school children and townspeople. Seven recruits were there also, lined up at the roadside waiting to join the “Coo-ees,” a sight that gladdened the hearts of all. The time of arrival had been fixed so that the marching recruits would be present at the unfurling of a flag on the new staff erected in honor of the arrival of the “Coo-ees.” This ceremony was performed with all due impressiveness, after which the boys adjourned to dinner. Another afternoon’s good hard drill was then given the troops. It is rumored that Colonel Ramacciotti, the State Commandant, intends to make an inspection, but when and where is known only to himself. Staff Captain Eade and Staff Sergeant-Major Scott are accompanying the men to Sydney, also Lieut. Middlemay, of the local camp, and a sergeant of the A.M.C., so the Gilgandra route march is now getting full staff recognition. An open air camp fire concert was held last night, in the Mount Victoria Park, with an excellent programme of harmony and recruiting speeches. Two more recruits caught up by train last night, and the strength of the column is now one hundred and eighty.’

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The COO-EE March from Gilgandra to Sydney is well advanced in its organisation and have their own website at

They plan to march 100% of their route from Gilgandra to Sydney and will be with the other marches in Sydney on Wednesday 11 November 2015 for the Armistice Day ceremony at the Cenotaph.

There are two other marches that run parallel routes to the Coo-ees… The Kookaburras from Tooraweenah and the Boomerangs from Parkes, both these marches meet at Bathurst on the same day and then go by train to meet up with the Coo-ees in Sydney for the final march to the Sydney Armistice Day ceremony on 11 November 2015.  These two marches will be shorter in length than the Coo-ees.

If you cannot participate in any of the marches, please consider attending the Sydney Armistice Day Ceremony, or definitely attend your local ceremony.

Photo credits:
Coo-ees climbing Berghofers Pass on Mt. Victoria (Sydney Mail 17/11/1915)
Cooee Marchers on Berghofers pass, Mt Victoria, in 1915.