Why join?
For $20 per year your business will be highlighted in advertising:
- a free page for members here on our website.
- inclusion in our Service Directory. This is also available to non members free of charge.
- opportunity to meet for business gatherings.
- usage of The Crossing Town logo.
- members who own/operate a business in or serving Mount Victoria will also be featured on our facebook page from time to time – a great way to share your latest promotion.
- all of the advantages of individual membership. Your membership fee of $20 is inclusive of individual and business membership. You join as an individual and your business benefits.
Our website reaches the local community as well as tourists to our village while our facebook page reaches a wide audience.
Not For Profit Groups
Community / Not-for-Profit Groups
If you are in a community group/not-for-profit we can list your group on this website for free – but this does NOT include a vote in the Community Association. Your group can apply to be a member, by downloading, printing and returning a Membership Application Form if it wants to be more involved in Mount Victoria Community Association decisions and activities.
List your business or non profit organisation
To include your listing please contact us to find out more.
Come along!
General Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month, except for December and January.
7:30pm at St Peters Church Hall, Great Western Hwy Mount Victoria (parking at rear in Ailsa St).
Come along and have a chat, a cup of tea and piece of cake afterwards. Guests are welcome to join us however only financial members can make and vote on proposals.
Download and print a Membership Application
Download and complete a Membership Application Form and bring this form with cash or cheque payment to a meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month (except December and January) at St Peters Church Hall, Great Western Hwy Mount Victoria (parking at rear in Ailsa St).
Post the completed Membership Application Form along with your cheque to 16a Ailsa St, Mount Victoria NSW 2786. Cheques should be made payable to “Mount Victoria Community Association Inc”.
Any questions or problems? Or do you have enquiries about promoting your business or non profit organisation? If so, please contact us.
Here’s a copy of our Constitution
Constitution of Mount Victoria Community Association Incorporated – Approved 20170918